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Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop by Scott Townsend

Ticket Information

  • General: $150.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Sat 19 Oct 2019, 9:00am–1:00pm


All Ages


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Empower yourself to become the happiest, strongest, and healthiest human you can be.

Pioneered by Wim Hof who has 26 world records for being awesome, the Wim Hof Method has 10 years of scientific research backing how extra-ordinary it is.

Discover how your breathing influences your direct experience of life. Feel how your brain, your heart, and your body are affected by your breath. Learn to switch from "autopilot" to "conscious pilot" with your breath at any moment.

Tickets are $150 through our website

Benefits of the Wim Hof Method:
- It enhances life and makes everything more awesome
- Reduces stress and anxiety instantly
- Increases your focus and clarity
- It’s a legal natural high - get a dose of your own happy hormones
- Boosts your happiness
- Heightens your awareness
- Improves your health
- Speed up your fat loss and metabolism by 300%
- Makes your skin more youthful, elastic and reduces cellulite
- Suffer from fewer headaches, flus, and viruses
- Reduces arthritic pain
- Increases your energy, performance, and recovery
- Helps you sleep better

Who’s this for:
- Anyone who’s looking to improve and bring more awareness to any aspect of their life
- People who suffer from anxiety, stress, depression and other mental challenges
- Anyone seeking further clarity, focus, and fulfillment
- Those looking to increase their physical performance, body awareness and recovery
- People who are looking to improve their health and quality of life
- Anyone wanting to boost their happiness and find a sense of calm
- Everyone breathes and can benefit from focused breathing exercises and understanding

Who is Scott?
Scott is a breathwork expert and a Certified Wim Hof Instructor who’s passionate about empowering you with simple tools that are right under your nose. Over the last few years, he’s trained over 2000 people of all ages and stages. His approach is simple and profoundly effective.

“After working with Scott, life is now breathing around me.” - Sal Hejaz

"Scott has some real calm and depth to him." - Wim Hof

“I am extremely excited at the vision that Scott has for this work and endorse the content and the impact it has wholeheartedly." - Annah Stretton

You will learn:
- Breathing techniques
- Cold exposure techniques
- Mindset and focus training
- Theoretical and scientific knowledge
- How to change your point of view to a 'glass half-full’, rather than 'half-empty' in a few breaths
- How breathing influences your heart, your cardiovascular system, your nervous system, and your immune system
- Simple tools and concepts that you will have with you for the rest of your life, right under your nose
- A 5-breath trick to switch the nervous system from sympathetic (fight or flight) mode, to parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode

Everything’s is backed by solid science, there’s nothing herbal, pseudo or whoo whoo involved.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in
8.45-9.00am: Register
9.00-11.30pm: Part 1
11.30-11.45am Break
11.45pm-1.00pm: Part 2

After the workshop you’ll receive:
- An explanation of the breathing methods
- 30 Day coaching support from Scott

Additional information:
- Bring a bite to eat if you’d like, but eat light before the workshop
- A notepad and a pen
- Swimwear and towel
- Wear clothes that are comfortable and warm
- A blanket (optional)

Tickets are $150 through our website
Spaces are limited.

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